Rose City loose tea in cup

Community Spotlight for February: Adult & Teen Challenge

Our charity of the year, Adult & Teen Challenge PNW, is a one-year residential program with the purpose to restore hope and health to those who suffer from addiction as well as other serious life-controlling issues.

Every month from now until December we will feature a real-life testimonial from someone who has gone, or is going through, the program. This month we would like to feature Joseph Robi.

“In 2016 I was set-up by one of my childhood friends where I was violently assaulted and robbed at gun-point. It was at this time that my recreational drug use turned into self-medication. I developed severe paranoia, anxiety, depression, and PTSD from this incident. Even though I knew within myself that the way I was living was slowly killing me, my mental health became my favorite justification for my downward spiral…”
– Joseph Robi 

Give something special this Valentine’s Day!

Whether your loved one is far or near during quarantine, make them feel special this Valentine’s Day ❤️ We have two special Valentine’s Day gift packs that together support FIVE small businesses. They are all women or family-owned businesses, so your support means more than you can imagine. 

Introducing Our New Subscription Box

We have some incredibly exciting news! We would like to introduce our very own tea subscription box! Each month you will receive a package with the Tea of the Month, of which 10% of the total value will be donated to our charity of the month. You will also receive two additional samples of tea that pair with our Tea of the Month, along with a special jcoco chocolate bar that compliments our tea. We also have other little surprises that may come in the box, but you’ll have to get one to find out! 

Our boxes will start at $25 per month, but we also have a 6 month bundle and a year-long bundle where you can save money and even maybe get an extra gift or two… 😊 

They make great birthday and Valentine’s Day gifts! 

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