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Venue Rental Agreement

Location: Cup of Tea, 10117 SE Sunnyside Rd, Suite J, Clackamas, OR 97015
Phone: 503-305-6966

★  Hourly rate is based on your occupying the space from your setup time to the time you vacate.

★  Max capacity: 40

★  Renter shall remove all personal property, trash, and other items that were not present in the venue prior to their event.

★  In the event of damage inflicted upon the venue by renter and/or renter’s guests, renter shall pay

★  Please note: Additional fees for services such as rental cleaning, open bar, catering, and other services may apply.

Associated costs necessary for repairs within 72 hours of billing. Renter shall also be liable for any legal fees, court costs and other expenses associated with collection.

$25 non-refundable deposit required at time of booking