Winter Nourishment Circle
We’re still in Winter season, though the Spring equinox right around the corner! Together we’ll reflect on what Winter has offered us and contemplate how we can gently transition into Spring. The supportive practices of meditation, gentle yoga, journaling, and nature connection will help us reconnect with our bodies and hearts. This offering will provide time for rest and rejuvenation as we prepare to step out of Winter and into Spring. The practices offered during this session will support your nervous system at this somewhat tumultuous time of year. Sip a complimentary cup of tea while you warm yourself in the community of our cozy tea shop!
Julie Jansen guides individuals and groups in meditation, movement, and land-based practices. Through her gentle, trauma-informed guidance Julie empowers individuals to bring presence-based practices into their lives. She is a certified Forest Therapy Guide and co-founder of Earthbody Presence. Currently, Julie teaches meditation and movement at Portland State University along with facilitating retreats, forest bathing, and other offerings with Earthbody Presence.
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